Google Glass is the latest emergence of technology. These glasses can be seen in some ways like a mobile phone/computer/tablet, etc. Why have many devices when only one will suffice?
Ask them any question; time, weather, etc.

Reply to messages.

Upload pictures/videos directly to social networking sites.

Receive live updates, messages and reminders.

These are just a few examples of what the Google Glass can do. They also allow you to connect straight to the Internet, use maps and GPS, take live pictures and videos.

With this great new technology comes risks and problems. The first being that the glasses are expensive and it is not as simple as 'popping' to the shops to buy them. Another is data protection. As you are walking around you are capturing people in pictures and videos, without realising and without them knowing.  A final point is in regards to exams in school. If a pupil is wearing these glasses, it would be far too easy to gain the answers through messaging friends or finding the answer through a search engine.
16/4/2013 02:15:46 pm

Moore's Law (about how costs continue to drop and speed to increase) on technology such a Glass means that these will soon be much cheaper -- and I think also less visible to others (so we won't know if the glasses people are wearing are "smart" glasses or just regular glasses.

So then ... what do we do to stop cheating? Or should we ask, "CAN we stop cheating?" Or even more, "What IS cheating?" (so what some call cheating and punish students for doing it, others call collaboration, and actively encourage students to do this in order to be able to learn effectively)....


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